Install Postman in Linux

How to Install Postman on Linux Desktop

Postman is the most popular collaboration platform for API (Application Programming Interface) development, which is used by 10 million developers and 500,000 companies all over

Install Yii Framework in Ubuntu

How to Install Yii PHP Framework on Ubuntu

Yii (pronounced Yee or [ji:]) is a free and open-source, fast, high performance, secure, flexible yet pragmatic, and efficient generic web programming framework for developing

Install Apache Cassandra on Ubuntu

How to Install Apache Cassandra on Ubuntu 20.04

Apache Cassandra is a high-performance opensource NoSQL database engine that provides fault tolerance, linear scalability, and consistency across multiple nodes. Give its distributed architecture, Apache

Install Docker in Ubuntu

How to Install and Use Docker on Ubuntu 20.04

Docker is a most popular, open-source platform for developers and system administrators to build, run, and share applications with containers. Containerization (the use of containers