Create Your Own Video Sharing Website using ‘CumulusClips Script’ in Linux

CumulusClips is an open source video sharing (content management) platform, that provides one of the best video sharing features similar to Youtube. With the help of CumulusClips, you an start your own video sharing website or add video sections on your existing website, where users can register, upload videos, comment on videos, rate videos, embed videos and much more.

Install CumulusClips in Linux
Install CumulusClips in Linux

CumulusClips Features

  1. Easy uploading of videos (mpg, avi, divx and more) from user computer with upload progress bar.
  2. Add, Delete and Edit Videos from the Dashboard.
  3. Allow or disable comments on videos and as well as video embedding.
  4. Easy user registration with unique url for their profile page and fully profile customization.
  5. Approve or Reject user uploaded videos via Dashboard.
  6. Built-in theme/plugin and translation ready.
  7. Easily create, delete and run Ads.
  8. Support for future automatic updates.
CumulusClips Demo

Please have a quick look at the demo page deployed by the developer at the following location.


Server Requirements

CumulusClips application only runs in Unix/Linux operating systems. Following are the requirements to run CumulusClips on Linux platform.

  1. Apache Web Server with mod_rewrite and FFMpeg enabled.
  2. MySQL 5.0+ and FTP
  3. PHP 5.2+ with GD, curl, simplexml and zip modules.
PHP Settings

Following are the PHP requirements.

  1. upload_max_filesize = 110M
  2. post_max_size = 110M
  3. max_execution_time = 1500
  4. open_basedir = no value
  5. safe_mode = Off
  6. register _globals = Off
Testing Environment
  1. Operating System – CentOS 6.5 & Ubuntu 13.04
  2. Apache – 2.2.15
  3. PHP – 5.5.3
  4. MySQL – 5.1.71
  5. CumulusClips – 1.3.2

Installing CumulusClips in RHEL/CentOS/Fedora and Debian/Ubuntu/Linux Mint

Installing CumulusClips script is a very simple and involves few easy straightforward steps. Before you can start with the install process, make sure that your server meets the requirements for running CumulusClips script.

Step:1 Install Required Packages

Let’s first, install required packages that needed to run CumulusClips video sharing application on the system, using the following easy steps.

On RedHat, CentOS and Fedora
# yum install httpd mysql mysql-server 
# yum install php php-mysql php-xml pcre php-common php-curl php-gd

Once, the required packages are installed, start the Apache and MySQL service.

# service httpd start
# service mysqld start

Next, install FFMPEG package by enabling third party RPMForge Repository under your Linux distributions.

# yum install ffmpeg
On Debian, Ubuntu and Linux Mint

On Debian based system, you can easily install required packages using following commands.

$ sudo apt-get install apache2 mysql-server mysql-client
$ sudo apt-get install php5 libapache2-mod-auth-mysql libmysqlclient15-dev php5-mysql curl libcurl3 libcurl3-dev php5-curl 
$ sudo apt-get install ffmpeg
$ sudo service apache2 start
$ sudo service mysql start

Step 2: Create Database and User

Next, create a database and database user to run CumulusClips. Use the following commands to create a database and a user.

# mysql -u root -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 5340 to server version: 3.23.54

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

mysql> CREATE DATABASE cumulusclips;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON cumulusclips.* TO "cumulus"@"localhost" IDENTIFIED BY "password";
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> quit

Note: The above, database name, username, and password will required later at the installation wizard.

Step 3: Configure PHP Settings

Open ‘php.ini‘ configuration file and make the following changes as suggested.

# vi /etc/php.ini			[on RedHat based Systems]
$ sudo nano /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini	[on Debian based Systems]

Search and modify values as suggested in the following.

upload_max_filesize = 110M
post_max_size = 110M
max_execution_time = 1500
open_basedir = no value
safe_mode = Off
register _globals = Off

Save and close the file after making changes. Next restart Apache Web Server.

# service httpd restart			[on RedHat based Systems]
$ sudo service apache2 restart		[on Debian based Systems]

Step 4: Install and Configure FTP

Now, install FTP server (i.e. vsftpd) on your Linux OS, using the following command.

# yum install vsftpd			[on RedHat based Systems]
$ sudo apt-get install vsftpd		[on Debian based Systems]

Once Vsftpd installed, you can adjust the configuration as shown below. Open up the configuration file.

# vi /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf		[on RedHat based Systems]
$ sudo nano /etc/vsftpd.conf		[on Debian based Systems]

Change the ‘anonymous_enable‘ to NO.


After that, remove ‘#‘ at the beginning of line ‘local_enable‘ option, changing it to YES.


Please remove the ‘#‘ at the start of these lines to enable all the local users to chroot to their home directories and will not have access to any other part of server.


Finally restart the vsftpd service.

# service vsfptd restart		[on RedHat based Systems]
$ sudo service vsftpd restart		[on Debian based Systems]

Step 5: Download & Install CumulusClips

To begin, you must first grab your free copy of CumulusClips script at http://cumulusclips/download/, or you may use following wget command to download it as shown below.

# cd /var/www/html/			[on RedHat based Systems]
# cd /var/www/				[on Debian based Systems]
# wget
# tar -xvf cumulusclips.tar.gz
# cd cumulusclips

Now grant the ‘777‘ (read, write and execute) permission on the following directories. Make sure these directories are writable by Web Server and PHP.

# chmod -R 777 cc-core/logs
# chmod -R 777 cc-content/uploads/flv
# chmod -R 777 cc-content/uploads/mobile
# chmod -R 777 cc-content/uploads/temp
# chmod -R 777 cc-content/uploads/thumbs
# chmod -R 777 cc-content/uploads/avatars

Next, grant the ownership to cumulusclips for web server to be writeable.

# chown -R apache:apache /var/www/html/cumulusclips		[on RedHat based Systems]
# chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/cumulusclips		[on Debian based Systems]
Step 6: CumulusClips Installation Wizard

Once everything is ready, you can have access to your CumulusClips installation wizard at the (, using your web browser.

Welcome to CumulusClips
Welcome to CumulusClips

The installation wizard will verify the files are writable by the web server. If not, you will be asked to enter FTP credentials to perform future updates and other file system changes.

Enter FTP Credentials
Enter FTP Credentials

Enter the database details like database name, user and password, that we’ve created in Step #2 above.

Enter Database Settings
Enter Database Settings

Enter, about your site configuration like, Base URL, Sitename, Admin Account, Password and Email.

Enter Site Details
Enter Site Details

CumulsCliops Admin Panel

CumulusClips Admin Dashboard
CumulusClips Admin Dashboard

View Front page of a Website.

CumulusClips Front View
CumulusClips Front View

Start uploading your own videos.

Upload Own Videos
Upload Own Videos

See list of Approved Videos.

User Approved Videos
User Approved Videos

General Settings

General Settings
General Settings

Start playing videos

Play Videos
Play Videos
Playing a Video
Playing a Video

That’s it! Now, you can start uploading videos, customizing and branding of your newly installed CumulusClips Video Sharing website.

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Ravi Saive
I am an experienced GNU/Linux expert and a full-stack software developer with over a decade in the field of Linux and Open Source technologies

Each tutorial at TecMint is created by a team of experienced Linux system administrators so that it meets our high-quality standards.

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Leave a Reply
  1. Very good, I found a new one called YouPHPTube, an Open source video sharing written in PHP.

    Download :
    Demo :

  2. Try this one youphptube, very easy to install with video tutorials

    Also a video tutorial to install it as shown here

    • Sorry again, please correct my earlier post the correct link is

  3. Hi,

    I want to upload & stream some 4K videos. Does CumulusClips support 4K videos or will my videos get scaled down? How can we support 4K videos if it is not supported by default.

    Hoping for a positive reply.

    Best Regards,

  4. Can’t upload video and access permalink
    Not Found

    The requested URL /account/upload/ was not found on this server.
    Apache/2.2.22 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80

  5. I had problem with the cc-install not able to take port number in the base_url field. But I can get around it by setting it without the port number, and go to mysql database and change the base_url to the one with port number.

  6. I already followed your step by step installation and i also successfully login to administrator page but i cannot upload video.What is the problem?

  7. Hi Ravi,

    I have checked with IE 11, Opera, Google Chrome, Firefox – all are same.

    I am a newbee in this, please help.

  8. Hi Ravi,
    With the instructions mentioned in this post, I have installed the Cumulusclips Video Server on RHEL6.3 64 bit. It started perfectly. I have created 2 users – 1 administrator user say “sn” and other normal user say abc. problem is when I am trying to logout apache saying “logout not found”. I closed the page and restarted again now during login apache saying “login not found”. Again I tried video, members, upload links – none is working.

    I am unable to understand where is the problem.

    Please help.

    • Make sure your mod_rewrite is enabled in Apache configuration file and also AllowOverride set to All in configuration. Please check these parameters in conf file..

  9. Dear Ravi,

    Thank you very much for your detailed instruction on how to install cumulusclips.

    I have successfully installed it on my virtual machine (Centos), however, when I tried to upload a test video, it is not working for me.

    When I am in the add new video screen, the “Browse” button is unclickable, so I have no way to browse to the video file and upload it.

    Have you experienced such error? Would appreciate any inputs on this.



  10. Hi Ravi

    the article is great.!!!

    Even I change php.ini values
    upload_max_filesize = 110M
    post_max_size = 110M
    max_execution_time = 1500
    open_basedir = no value
    safe_mode = Off
    register _globals = Off accordingly but when I launch installer it is still showing

    upload_max_filesize = 2M
    post_max_size = 2M
    max_execution_time =2M in browser let me know if anything I need to do.


    • No idea Vikas? why it’s keep throwing same error again and again even after setting correct values, Can I’ve access to server?

    • Yeah Akshay, thanks for pointing me right direction, yes it was a mistake from corrected in writeup..

  11. i have enable short_open_tags and restart httpd and done all changes in php.ini but when opn gui for install it shows

    short_open_tags This needs to be enabled
    post_max_size Setting is too small. Server only allows 2M. More Info
    upload_max_filesize Setting is too small. Server only allows 2M. More Info
    max_execution_time Too short, currently 30 seconds. More Info

    don’t know why

  12. Thanks for sharing this article. Good work.

    One thing I noticed while following your steps. The web installation part on RHEL/CentOS with the link doesn’t work.

    I had to change install to cc-install in the above link. Is that a typo or a different version of cumulusclips, I am not sure.


    • Thanks for the appreciation, but I’ve tried in my two machines CentOS and Ubuntu both the installation pointed to and it worked for me correctly. I think you’re using different version may be older or beta version, please check at the download page of CumulusClips and get correct version as mentioned in the article.


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