How to Clone/Backup Linux Systems Using – Mondo Rescue Disaster Recovery Tool

Mondo Rescue is an open source, free disaster recovery and backup utility that allows you to easily create a complete system (Linux or Windows) Clone/Backup ISO Images to CD, DVD, Tape, USB devices, Hard Disk, and NFS. And can be used to quickly restore or redeploy working images into other systems, in the event of data loss, you will be able to restore as much as the entire system data from backup media.

Mondo program is available freely for download and released under GPL (GNU Public License) and has been tested on a large number of Linux distributions.

This article describes Mondo installation and usage of Mondo Tools to backup up your entire system. The Mondo Rescue is a Disaster Recovery and Backup Solution for System Administrators to take a full backup of their Linux and Windows file system partitions into CD/DVD, Tape, and NFS and restore them with the help of the Mondo Restore media feature that uses at boot-time.

Installing MondoRescue on RHEL / CentOS / Scientific Linux

The latest Mondo Rescue packages (the current version of Mondo is 3.0.3-1) can be obtained from the “MondoRescue Repository“. Use the “wget” command to download and add a repository under your system. The Mondo repository will install suitable binary software packages such as afio, buffer, mindi, mindi-busybox, mondo, and mondo-doc for your distribution if available.

For RHEL/CentOS/SL 6,5,4 – 32-Bit

Download the MondoRescue repository under “/etc/yum.repos.d/” as file name “mondorescue.repo“. Please download the correct repository for your Linux OS distribution version.

# cd /etc/yum.repos.d/

## On RHEL/CentOS/SL 6 - 32-Bit ##
# wget

## On RHEL/CentOS/SL 5 - 32-Bit ##
# wget

## On RHEL/CentOS/SL 4 - 32-Bit ##
# wget

For RHEL/CentOS/SL 6,5,4 – 64-Bit

# cd /etc/yum.repos.d/

## On RHEL/CentOS/SL 6 - 64-Bit ##
# wget

## On RHEL/CentOS/SL 5 - 64-Bit ##
# wget

## On RHEL/CentOS/SL 4 - 64-Bit ##
# wget

Once you successfully added the repository, do “yum” to install the latest Mondo tool.

# yum install mondo

Installing MondoRescue on Debian / Ubuntu / Linux Mint

Debian users can do “wget” to grab the MondoRescue repository for Debian 6 and 5 distributions. Run the following command to add “mondorescue.sources.list” to the “/etc/apt/sources.list” file to install Mondo packages.

On Debian

## On Debian 6 ##
# wget
# sh -c "cat mondorescue.sources.list >> /etc/apt/sources.list" 
# apt-get update 
# apt-get install mondo
## On Debian 5 ##
# wget
# sh -c "cat mondorescue.sources.list >> /etc/apt/sources.list" 
# apt-get update 
# apt-get install mondo

On Ubuntu/Linux Mint

To install Mondo Rescue in Ubuntu 12.10, 12.04, 11.10, 11.04, 10.10, and 10.04 or Linux Mint 13, open the terminal and add the MondoRescue repository in the “/etc/apt/sources.list” file. Run the following commands to install Mondo Rescue packages.

# wget`lsb_release -r|awk '{print $2}'`/mondorescue.sources.list
# sh -c "cat mondorescue.sources.list >> /etc/apt/sources.list" 
# apt-get update 
# apt-get install mondo

Creating Cloning or Backup ISO Image of System/Server

After installing Mondo, Run the “mondoarchive” command as the “root” user. Then follow the screenshots that show how to create an ISO-based backup media of your full system.

# mondoarchive

Welcome to Mondo Rescue

Mondo Rescue Welcome Screen
Mondo Rescue Welcome Screen

Please enter the full path name to the directory for your ISO Images. For example: /mnt/backup/

Mondo Rescue Storage Directory
Mondo Rescue Storage Directory

Select the Type of compression. For example, bzip, gzip, or lzo.

Select Type of Compression
Select the Type of Compression

Select the maximum compression option.

Mondo Rescue Compression Speed
Select Compression Speed

Please enter how large you want each ISO image in MB (Megabytes). This should be less than or equal to the size of the CD-R(W)’s (i.e. 700) and for DVDs (i.e. 4480).

Mondo Rescue ISO Size
Define Mondo Rescue ISO Size

Please give the name of your ISO image filename. For example: tecmint1 to obtain tecmint-[1-9]*.iso files.

Mondo Rescue Prefix
Enter the Name of Mondo Rescue

Please add the filesystems to the backup (separated by “|“). The default filesystem is “/” which means full backup.

Mondo Rescue Backup Paths
Enter Backup Paths

Please exclude the filesystem that you don’t want to back up (separated by “|“). For example “/tmp” and “/proc” are permanently excluded or if you wish to fully backup your system, just hit enter.

Mondo Rescue Exclude Paths
Enter Exclude File System

Please enter your temporary directory path or select the default one.

Mondo Rescue Temporary Directory
Enter Temporary Directory Name

Please enter your scratch directory path or select the default one.

Mondo Rescue Scratch Directory Name
Enter Scratch Directory Name

If you would like to backup extended attributes. Just hit “enter“.

Mondo Rescue Extended Backup
Enter Extended Backup Attributes

If you want to Verify your backup after mondo has created them. Click “Yes“.

Mondo Rescue Verify Backups
Verify Backups

If you’re using a stable standalone Linux Kernel, click “Yes” or if you using another Kernel say “Gentoo” or “Debian” and hit “No“.

Mondo Rescue Kernel
Select Stable Linux Kernel

Click “Yes” to proceed further.

Mondo Rescue Backup Process
Proceed Cloning Process

Creating a catalog of “/” filesystem.

Mondo Rescue Making Catalog
Creating a Catalog for File System

Dividing filelist into sets.

Mondo Rescue Dividing File List
Dividing File List

Calling MINDI to create boot+data disk.

Mondo Rescue Boot Data Disk
Creating Boot Data Disk

Backing up filesystem. It may take a couple of hours, please be patient.

Mondo Rescue Backup Filesystem
Backing up File System

Backing up big files.

Mondo Rescue Big Files Backup
Big Files Backup

Running “mkisofs” to make ISO Image.

Mondo Rescue Creating ISO
Making ISO Image

Verifying ISO Image tarballs.

Mondo Rescue Verify ISO
Verify ISO

Verifying ISO Image Big files.

Mondo Rescue Verify Big Files
Verify Big Files

Finally, Mondo Archive has been completed. Please hit “Enter” and go back to the shell prompt.

Mondo Rescue Backup Completed
Backup Completed

If you’ve selected the default backup path, you will see an ISO image under “/var/cache/mondo/“, that you can be burnt into a CD/DVD for later restore.

To restore all files automatically, boot the system with Mondo ISO Image, and at the boot prompt type “nuke” to restore files.

For other distributions, you can also grab Mondo Rescue packages at the mondorescue download page.

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Ravi Saive
I am an experienced GNU/Linux expert and a full-stack software developer with over a decade in the field of Linux and Open Source technologies

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Leave a Reply
  1. Is there a link to the RHEL 7 repo? I tried to manually download the repo but got a key mismatch error and no yum install. Thoughts??


    • @Dragonmouth,

      I am extremely sorry bro, actually I forgotten completely, but thanks for reminding me again. Give me this week, I will update this article.

  2. Hey fellows!, does this program do a reliable photo of the disc.?

    I need a program that will restore Byte for Byte of a hard drive. I am rather new to Linux (Ubuntu 16.04.5) and every time I crash the system, I have to go through the trouble of reloading a program, then go through the ‘wine’ process to get it going again. This plus having to set up mail and internet processes.

    Thank you in advance

    • use man mondoarchive to get an idea. And look at our doc page at

      Example using bash:

      export DIR=/my/backup/path
      mkdir -p $DIR/images $DIR/tmp $DIR/scratch
      /usr/sbin/mondoarchive -G -N -O -E "/home|/|/pub|/var/log|/var/cache|/mnt" -i -d $DIR/images -s 4300m -T $DIR/tmp -S $DIR/scratch -p my-backup

  3. And BTW, wrt UUIDs (someone forwarded to me a comment made here about that I can find now :-(), when we re-create partitions at restore time, we re-use the original UUIDs in the mkfs commands so that the system is not disturbed afterwards.

  4. i have tried all the things step by step for a single machine backup, the data size took 3 dvd of 4.7 GB. while i started restoring it . once the first disc completed. it is asking for second disc but once i put the second one it is not recognizing & not proceeding data restore from the second disk. what will be the issue . can you please brief me ? Thanks in Advance…..rock on.

  5. Sir i want to take full image of Linux server, if any case Linux server will down then I will be restore easily so what is the command of create Linux server image and I want to create ghost image of Linux server

      • Hi Ravi,

        Its great to know you. one of my biggest task is over because of this post. I have create iso of our on premises centos server and which will be creating and storing in “/home/Mondo/” folder with 4480 size which will be suitable for DVD.

        But I want it to be automated so i need a shell script for this… Requirement is mondo will create ISOs and will be stored in our internal hard disk under ” /home/Mondo/” and the size will be 4480 (DVD size) with compression of 9. Please please support me on this ….Thanks in advance ……..Great support Ravi.

  6. I use to use mondorescue in Ubuntu within a VM all the time to build and test servers and then install them on clients systems. But it no longer works with Ubuntu and as I see you are doing this in Windows that makes a big difference when you tell people it works with Debian/Ubuntu/Linux Mint because it does not.

    • @John,

      Actually, the article is little outdated and haven’t been updated yet, so just a question are you using latest version of Mondoresuce on the latest Ubuntu VM? is it working fine without any errors? If, yes will update this article with new release..

  7. can we install it on a single machine and take backup of all other machine through that single machine ?

    Please help

    • @Prateek,

      No that’s not possible, its only allowed to install on one system for cloning, not for multiple systems..

  8. [root@localhost yum.repos.d]# wget -vvvv
    –2015-11-16 12:30:01–
    => “mondorescue.repo”
    Connecting to||:21… failed: Connection refused.

    Can you please update the rpm url for centos/rhel 6 &7 .
    When i do a wget , i get the connection refused error.

      • Thanks Ravi! I am sitting behind a firewall, will have to check with the IT admins for such issues. Btw, would you also care to list the repo url for RHEL/Centos 7?? Thanks in advance!

  9. Folks,

    I’m unable to install from yum on CentOS 6. After getting the repodata and run “yum install mondo” I got the following error,

    [root@TEST-02 yum.repos.d]# yum install mondo
    Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, security
    Setting up Install Process
    Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
    * base:
    * extras:
    * updates: [Errno 12] Timeout on (28, ‘Connection time-out’)
    Trying other mirror.
    Error: Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository: mondorescue. Please verify its path and try again

    Any clue on what the problem might be?


  10. Hi

    I want to clone my current server for backup, because a lot of custom works to be done on it, is is possible to use this script knowing i can’t access to the server physical
    i want to make an image and store it somewhere in the internet, and use later if anything goes wrong.


  11. I have installed mondo and mindi packages on RHEL6 on our prod server. But after running monodarchive command. It is asking for boot loader path. But even after providing the path ( Its efi boot load filesystems) it is throwing error like unidentified boot loader. Please help..

  12. I really like this post, but i guess you had missed something important here,public key,…
    usually i don’t encourage anyone doing serious work like back up, to blindly use a third party repo, without checking and verifying the public key,…
    with respect to fedora 19,..i did the following before adding this repo to my /etc/yum.repo.d/

    1- download the afio.repo & afio.pubkey
    2- Copy the afio.repo to /etc/yu.repo.d/
    3- Copy the afio.pubkey to /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/
    4- Get the fingerprint of the afio.pubkey:

    [root@omar ~]# cd /etc/pki/rpm-gpg
    [root@omar rpm-gpg]# gpg –quiet –with-fingerprint afio.pubkey

    pub 1024D/37DB9883 2001-08-24 Bruno Cornec
    Key fingerprint = 54AA 7ADA 8C6B 0F5D 51C7 5DC0 141B 9FF2 37DB 9883
    uid Bruno Cornec
    uid Bruno Cornec
    uid Bruno Cornec
    uid Bruno Cornec
    uid Bruno Cornec
    uid Bruno Cornec (primary address)
    sub 1024g/7ADE3ADA 2001-08-24
    [root@omar rpm-gpg]#

    Now, we can check the above key on public key server, to match the fingerprint
    You can use, the key name and e-mail address “Bruno Cornec ” to get the public keys for that name and e-mail address, and enable “Show PGP fingerprints for keys”.

    After verification of the fingerprint, now you can safely import this public key to your rpm database:
    [root@omar rpm-gpg]# rpm –import afio.pubkey

    4- Edit the afio.repo file as follows:

    [root@omar ]# cd /etc/yum.repos.d/
    [root@omar yum.repos.d]# vi afio.repo
    name=fedora 20 i386 – afio Vanilla Packages

    Save & Exit

    5- Do the same thing for buffer, pb and mondorecue repos and pubkey.

    That is it,….
    One more time,..thank you for your post,…i really enjoyed it,…

    6- Install mondorescue as follows:
    [root@omar]# yum install mondo

  13. Hi Ravi,

    Can I use the iso backup of one server to restore onto another server (rather than installing it).Or every servers iso backup can be used to recover only that specific server.

  14. Hi, Ravi Saive.

    I’m getting errors when restoring centos system to another PC:

    Failed to initialize LVM
    Formatting /dev/sda1 as ext4… failed
    Errors occurred during the formatting of your hard drives.
    Try in interactive mode instead.

    How can I fix it?

  15. Do you know how to do this in Debian 7.7? I tried the following:

    $ wget
    $ sudo sh -c "cat mondorescue.sources.list >> /etc/apt/sources.list"
    $ sudo apt-get update
    $ sudo apt-get install mondo

    When I ran “sudo apt-get update” I got the following output (I have removed lines that do not pertain to mondo):

    Get:4 7.1 Release.gpg
    Ign 7.1 Release.gpg
    Get:5 7.1 Release
    Ign wheezy/main Translation-en_US
    Ign wheezy/main Translation-en
    Ign 7.1 Release
    Get:6 7.1/contrib Sources
    Get:7 7.1/contrib amd64 Packages
    Get:8 7.1/contrib Translation-en_US
    Get:9 7.1/contrib Translation-en
    Get:10 7.1/contrib Sources
    Get:11 7.1/contrib amd64 Packages
    Get:12 7.1/contrib Translation-en_US
    Get:13 7.1/contrib Translation-en
    Get:14 7.1/contrib Sources
    Get:15 7.1/contrib amd64 Packages
    Get:16 7.1/contrib Translation-en_US
    Get:17 7.1/contrib Translation-en
    Get:18 7.1/contrib Sources
    Get:19 7.1/contrib amd64 Packages
    Get:20 7.1/contrib Translation-en_US
    Get:21 7.1/contrib Translation-en
    Get:22 7.1/contrib Sources
    Err 7.1/contrib Sources
    Unable to fetch file, server said 'Failed to open file. '
    Get:23 7.1/contrib amd64 Packages
    Err 7.1/contrib amd64 Packages
    Unable to fetch file, server said 'Failed to open file. '
    Get:24 7.1/contrib Translation-en_US
    Ign 7.1/contrib Translation-en_US
    Get:25 7.1/contrib Translation-en
    Ign 7.1/contrib Translation-en
    Fetched 125 kB in 15s (8,059 B/s)
    W: Failed to fetch Unable to fetch file, server said 'Failed to open file. '

    W: Failed to fetch Unable to fetch file, server said 'Failed to open file. '

    E: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.

    And when I tried to run “sudo apt-get install mondo” I only got this:

    Reading package lists... Done
    Building dependency tree
    Reading state information... Done
    E: Unable to locate package mondo

    Any thoughts?

  16. Hi,
    I am trying to run a restore from USB.
    Operating system Centos 6.4 64bit.
    Same hardware for restoration.

    Ran the backup step by step like instructions and all was 100%.
    Created a boot usb from iso that was saved.
    Running command “nuke” and getting error (The mondorestore command was not found on your backup media)

    Please help..

    Thank you

    • Hi, I had this same Problem with bootable USB, after that i tried with the DVD its work for me.
      Try with DVD.

      Thanks and Regards,
      Mohammed Qayyum

  17. Great article definitely going to bookmark for future uses could always test this in a virtual environment with different flavors of Linux.

  18. Hi ,

    I am trying to take clone of centos 5.5(final) using Mondo Rescue tool. I follow your steps as you shown but the process of taking clone is stop at “48%” . “Backing up filesystem” dialogue box show 48% since from last two hours.

    Please Help..!

    Thank You

  19. I got two error/message while ran “mondoarchive” command on RED Hat 6 x86_64, selected DVD and then next all took default option:

    1. Error occured while archiving set 12, Please review logs

    2. Unable to write DVD Or Unable to Burn ISO

    Can you please suggest ?

  20. Dear Ravi,

    Please find below error result: libmondo-archive.c->archive_this_fileset#379: Failed to write set 21

    afio -o -b 131072 -M 16m -Z -P bzip2 -G 9 -T 3k -E /usr/share/mondo/do-not-compress-these //mondo.tmp.bidwW6/tmpfs/21.afio.bz2 > /var/log/mondoarchive.log (No such file or directory)
    [Main] libmondo-archive.c->archive_this_fileset#371: Attempt #3 failed. Pausing 3 seconds and retrying…
    [Main] libmondo-archive.c->create_afio_files_in_background#1134: [34339:1] – archived 23 OK
    [Main] libmondo-archive.c->create_afio_files_in_background#1094: [34339:1] – EXATing 24…
    [Main] libmondo-archive.c->create_afio_files_in_background#1107: [34339:1] – archiving 24…
    [Main] libmondo-archive.c->archive_this_fileset#379: Failed to write set 21
    Errors occurred while archiving set 21. Please review logs.
    [Main] libmondo-archive.c->create_afio_files_in_background#1134: [34339:0] – archived 21 OK
    [Main] libmondo-archive.c->create_afio_files_in_background#1094:

    Your response Ravi is highly appreciated.



  21. Hi Ravi,

    Can you able help me sir to fix my to issues. I’m currently conducting the system backup,

    while im on the middle of system backing up, i received this error messages: Error occurred while archiving set 18. and the the other server receive different set but same error.Error occurred while archiving set 21.

    BTW, system running Rhel 6.4.

    Your immediate response Ravi is highly appreciated.



  22. Hi Ravi,

    Now I am able to boot the mondo iso image with pen drive, after giving ‘nuke’ it’s starts restoring and after some time it’s getting stuck with below error…..

    the mondorestore command was not found on your backup may be your device is not seen correctly.check the driver list and error messages, and type exit to reboot the PC.

    waiting for your valuable response,thanks in advanse

    regards sayed

  23. hi,
    i have backed up cent os 6.5 and created backup iso with mondo..but when am trying to restore it with nuke..its nt says the cd is not made by mindi,mondo and gives me the shell promt.
    note: am trying in in kvm for practice purpose and mounting the iso with cd /usb…
    please help

  24. Hi Ravi,

    Thanks a lot for such a informatic screenshots, i had created iso image of my server through mondoarchive and for making ISO bootable i made my pen drive bootable through “ISO to USB” app; while deploying the archive with pendrive on other server it’s showing no such device. Awaiting for your kind response.

    Thanks in advance…!

    Sayed Shazan

  25. I have configured mondo on my two ubuntu server hosted on cloud. This tool is good, i have created the same server on local with the help of this tool. Now anyone can help me how can i restore my data/server image on cloud ?
    is there any way to restore server unattend ?

    • Lokesh, we already given the a little instructions on how to restore the image using nuke command. Please see the video at the bottom of the article, that shows how to restore a images to new server.

  26. Hello Ravi,
    is there a way to install it successfully on linux Mint 17?
    I tried some things, with the sudo command, but not all packages were found and so Mondo was not installed …
    Mint 17 works very well, so maybe a lot of people want to use Mondo here too? I hope you can find a way …
    Besides, great that you did build this!
    Thanks, Jan

    • The article is little outdated and haven’t got time to update, but it seems I must update the article to support recent released Linux distros.

  27. I am trying to backup Fedora 10, but seems to take ages Calling MINDI to create boot + data disks.

    Is this normal?


    • It’s all depend upon the size of your disks. If your disks is too large, then it takes some hours to backup.

  28. Hi thanks for the aport!,
    I have a question, when I’m about to restore my system, it keep saying to me “errors occurred while setting extended attributes”.
    Thank you very much for your answer

  29. Hi, some queries:

    1. I want to back up the complete / partition. If I specify a path in some directory say /mnt/backup, it won’t run into loop while backing up right? I meant, /mnt will come under /, so will it start backing up the already backed up files in /mnt?

    2. If the backup is more that the size of a DVD, will it ask for another Disc?

    • Yes, /mnt comes under / partition, so here no problem taking whole dump and if backup is more than the size of DVD, yes it will ask another Disc.

  30. I got this error when restoring the iso. Is there any workaround to this problem?

    Could not mount device(s) /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00 – shall I abort?


  31. nice and very help fully. one question please is it possible we define cron which take latest backup at end of day through mondo rescue. once i install mondo rescue and every day on define time i will take backup automatically? is it possible

  32. I get this error on Centos 6 64 bit:

    [Main] libmondo-fork.c->eval_call_to_make_ISO#187: command = ‘genisoimage -r -p MondoRescue -publisher -A Mondo_Rescue_GPL_Version -J -boot-info-table -no-emul-boot -b isolinux.bin -c -boot-load-size 4 -o ‘/var/isos//mondorescue-2.iso’ -V 2 . >> /var/log/mondoarchive.log’
    [Main] libmondo-fork.c->run_external_binary_with_percentage_indicator_NEW#668: command = ‘genisoimage -r -p MondoRescue -publisher -A Mondo_Rescue_GPL_Version -J -boot-info-table -no-emul-boot -b isolinux.bin -c -boot-load-size 4 -o ‘/var/isos//mondorescue-2.iso’ -V 2 . >> /var/log/mondoarchive.log 2>> /var/log/mondoarchive.log’
    [Main] libmondo-fork.c->run_prog_in_bkgd_then_exit#627: sz_command = ‘genisoimage -r -p MondoRescue -publisher -A Mondo_Rescue_GPL_Version -J -boot-info-table -no-emul-boot -b isolinux.bin -c -boot-load-size 4 -o ‘/var/isos//mondorescue-2.iso’ -V 2 . >> /var/log/mondoarchive.log 2>> /var/log/mondoarchive.log’
    I: -input-charset not specified, using utf-8 (detected in locale settings)
    File ./archives/3.afio.bz2 is larger than 4GiB-1.
    -allow-limited-size was not specified. There is no way do represent this file size. Aborting.
    [Main] libmondo-fork.c->run_prog_in_bkgd_then_exit#632: child res = 256
    [Main] libmondo-fork.c->run_external_binary_with_percentage_indicator_NEW#704: Parent res = 256
    Call to mkisofs to make ISO (ISO #2) …failed
    [Main] libmondo-archive.c->make_iso_fs#1994: WARNING – make_iso_fs returned an error

    Screen reads:

    ying Mondo’s core files to the scratch directory Done.
    Calling MINDI to create boot+data disks Done.
    Preparing to archive your dat┌─────────────────┤ Backing up filesystem ├──────────────────┐
    Archiving regular files to me│ │
    │ ┌──────────────────┤ Alert ├───────────────────┐ │
    │ │ │ │
    │ │ Failed to create ISO #2. Retry? │ │
    │ │ │ │
    │ │ │ │
    │ │ ┌─────┐ ┌────┐ │ │
    │ │ │ Yes │ │ No │ │ │
    │ │ └─────┘ └────┘ │ │
    │ │ │ │
    │ └──────────────────────────────────────────────┘ │
    └─────── ─────┘

    bin -c -boot-load-size 4 -o ‘/var/isos//mondorescue-2.iso’ -V 2 . >> / nisoimage -r
    [Main] libmondo-fork.c->run_external_binary_with_percentage_indicator_NEW#668
    e -no-emul-boot -b isolinux.bin -c -boot-load-size 4 -o ‘/var/isos//mo cator_NEW#668
    [Main] libmondo-fork.c->run_prog_in_bkgd_then_exit#627: sz_command = ‘geniso
    isolinux.bin -c -boot-load-size 4 -o ‘/var/isos//mondorescue-2.iso’ -V sz_command = ‘geniso
    I: -input-charset not specified, using utf-8 (detected in locale settings) child res = 0
    Call to mkisofs to make ISO (ISO #2) …failed

    • File ./archives/3.afio.bz2 is larger than 4GiB-1.
      -allow-limited-size was not specified. There is no way do represent this file size. Aborting.

      That is why it failed.

  33. im getting the following on mint 16 64 bit?
    $ wget`lsb_release -r|awk ‘{print $2}’`/mondorescue.sources.list
    –2013-12-09 12:06:27–
    => ‘mondorescue.sources.list’
    Resolving (…
    Connecting to (||:21… connected.
    Logging in as anonymous … Logged in!
    ==> SYST … done. ==> PWD … done.
    ==> TYPE I … done. ==> CWD (1) /ubuntu/16 …
    No such directory ‘ubuntu/16’.

    any ideas?

    • Unfortunately, there is nothing like Ubuntu/16. So, work around this problem you’ve to use Ubuntu 13.04 sources.list file, use the following commands to install it.

      # wget
      # sh -c "cat mondorescue.sources.list >> /etc/apt/sources.list" 
      # apt-get update 
      # apt-get install mondo
  34. Thanks,for this is really useful but i have a problem..i am using fedora 19 my hdd partitions are ” /boot and / ” i want to backup my whole system… how should i do this?

    • Dear Avik,

      We already explained in detail how to add the filesystems to backup (separated by “|“). The default filesystem is “/” means full backup.

  35. Seems it is not supported with Linux Mint 13 neither. I also get dependencies error messages. Too bad I would of liked to of tried it. Even adding the repository causes problems, going to the site and download the .deb causes problems. So far nothing but problems. Hope you find something else that will work out of the box because this doesn’t.

  36. Broken on Ubuntu (Raring)

    sudo apt-get install mondo

    The following packages have unmet dependencies.
    mondo : Depends: mindi (>= 2.0.7) but it is not going to be installed
    E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.


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