How to Install Google Chrome in Linux [RHEL-based Distros]

Google Chrome is a most popular, fast, secure, and easy-to-use free cross-platform web browser developed by Google, and was first released in 2008 for Microsoft Windows, later versions were released to Linux, macOS, iOS, and Android.

Most of Chrome’s source code is taken from Google’s open-source software project Chromium, but Chrome is licensed as proprietary freeware, which means you can download and use it for free, but you cannot decompile, reverse engineer, or use the source code to build other programs or projects.

As of February 2023, Google’s Chrome is the most used internet web browser in the world with a global market share of 65.76 percent. In other words, more than six in ten people use Google Chrome to browse the internet.

Recently, Google Chrome officially rolled out Chrome 113 version for Windows, Linux, and macOS operating systems. The actual version is 113.0.5672.92 and comes with a number of exciting fixes, features, and improvements.

In this tutorial, we will show you how to install the Google Chrome web browser in RedHat-Based Linux Distros like CentOS, Fedora, Rocky Linux, and AlmaLinux using Google’s own repository with the yum package manager tool.

If you are using Debian-based distributions such as Ubuntu or Linux Mint, follow our guide – Install Google Chrome on Debian-based Distributions

Important: Google Chrome support for all 32-bit Linux distributions are deprecated since March 2016.

Install Google Chrome on Linux

We will use Google’s Linux software packages, which are signed with GPG keys that will automatically configure the package manager repository to install and update the Chrome browser whenever a new Chrome update is released.

Step 1: Install Google YUM Repository

First, create a new file called /etc/yum.repos.d/google-chrome.repo as shown.

# vi /etc/yum.repos.d/google-chrome.repo

Next, add the following lines of code to it.

Add Google Chrome Yum Repository
Add Google Chrome Yum Repository

To save a file in vi, hit the ESC key to switch to command mode, press : (colon) to open the prompt bar, and type x after the colon and hit enter to save the changes.

Step 2: Install Google Chrome on Linux

First, check whether the latest version is available from Google’s own repository using the following yum command.

# yum info google-chrome-stable
Output – Check Google Chrome Package Info
Available Packages
Name         : google-chrome-stable
Version      : 113.0.5672.92
Release      : 1
Architecture : x86_64
Size         : 92 M
Source       : google-chrome-stable-113.0.5672.92-1.src.rpm
Repository   : google-chrome
Summary      : Google Chrome
URL          :
License      : Multiple, see
Description  : The web browser from Google

Do you see the highlighted output above, which clearly told that the latest version of Chrome is available from the repository. So, let’s install it using the yum command as shown below, which will automatically install all the needed dependencies.

# yum install google-chrome-stable
Update: Sadly, the Google Chrome browser no longer supports the most famous commercial distribution RHEL 6.x, and its free clones such as CentOS and Scientific Linux.

Yes, they’ve discontinued support for the RHEL 6.X version of Google Chrome, and on the other side, the latest Firefox and Opera browsers run successfully on the same platforms.

The next step for RHEL/CentOS 6 users is to move to recent releases of RHEL/CentOS or Rocky Linux/AlmaLinux, the latest Google Chrome works out of the box on these releases.

Step 3: Running Google Chrome on Linux

Start the Chrome browser with a non-root user from the command line or start it from System Menu.

# google-chrome &

Welcome screen of Chrome web browser.

Welcome Google Chrome
Welcome Google Chrome

Browsing on Chrome web browser.

Running Chrome Browser in Linux
Running Chrome Browser on Linux

That’s it, enjoy browsing with Chrome, and do let me know your browsing experience with Chrome via comments.

Ravi Saive
I am an experienced GNU/Linux expert and a full-stack software developer with over a decade in the field of Linux and Open Source technologies

Each tutorial at TecMint is created by a team of experienced Linux system administrators so that it meets our high-quality standards.

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  1. hi
    running the script resulted into follow error. please help me
    [root@localhost Downloads]# ./
    Google Chrome Installer 6.10 on the i686 platform
    (C) Richard K. Lloyd 2014
    *** /tmp/chrome_install tree contains 2 files totalling 0 MB …

    *** Changing working directory to /tmp/chrome_install …
    *** Checking for an update to …

    *** Downloading version.dat (please wait) …

    –2014-11-15 16:00:02–
    Resolving… failed: No address associated with hostname.
    wget: unable to resolve host address “”

    ERROR: Failed to download version.dat correctly – aborted

    *** /tmp/chrome_install tree contains 2 files totalling 0 MB …
    [root@localhost Downloads]#

  2. Hi, I have still a problem running Chromium after I installed it by your easy-to-understand installation. First: thanks for publishing this. I am using CentOS 6.6.

    When I try to run chromium via /opt/chromium/chrome-wrapper %U I get:

    [5690:5690:1113/] Check failed: boot_pid > 1 (1 vs. 1)Received invalid process ID for zygote; kernel might be too old? See or try using –disable-setuid-sandbox to workaround.
    Aborted (core dumped)

    However, I don’t really get what’s the problem. Could you please help me?

  3. I have problem,.. please help me!..

    ERROR: Unable to correctly run /usr/bin/rpmdev-setuptree to create build enviroment – aborted

    *** Uninstalling google-chrome-stable …

    Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, priorities, refresh-packagekit
    Setting up Remove Process
    Resolving Dependencies
    –> Running transaction check
    —> Package google-chrome-stable.x86_64 0:38.0.2125.122-1 will be erased
    –> Finished Dependency Resolution [Errno 14] PYCURL ERROR 22 – “The requested URL returned error: 404 Not Found”
    Trying other mirror. [Errno 14] PYCURL ERROR 22 – “The requested URL returned error: 404 Not Found”
    Trying other mirror. [Errno 14] PYCURL ERROR 22 – “The requested URL returned error: 404 Not Found”
    Trying other mirror.

    Dependencies Resolved

    Package Arch Version Repository Size
    google-chrome-stable x86_64 38.0.2125.122-1 installed 173 M

    Transaction Summary
    Remove 1 Package(s)

    Installed size: 173 M
    Downloading Packages:
    Running rpm_check_debug
    Running Transaction Test
    Transaction Test Succeeded
    Running Transaction
    Erasing : google-chrome-stable-38.0.2125.122-1.x86_64 1/1
    Verifying : google-chrome-stable-38.0.2125.122-1.x86_64 1/1

    google-chrome-stable.x86_64 0:38.0.2125.122-1

    *** WARNING: /opt/google/chrome install tree still present – deleting it …
    *** /tmp/chrome_install tree contains 7 files totalling 67 MB …

    • @chimin
      It seems that your downloaded yum metadata has become obsolete. To fix this problem, clean yum metadata using following commands.

      # yum clean metadata
      # yum clean all 
  4. Big thanks to Ravi Saive and Richard Lloyd for this article and beautiful script. I followed the instructions and have successfully installed the google-chrome.

    But when trying to run it, I got nothing:

    [avz@rs ~]$ /usr/bin/google-chrome
    [avz@rs ~]$

    No processes in ps info, no output on console.

    Then I tried this:

    [avz@rs ~]$ /usr/bin/google-chrome; echo $?
    [avz@rs ~]$

    1 is not 0, which means that script failed to start. After some step-by-step debugging of /usr/bin/google-chrome bash-script I found out that commenting out the line “exec 2> /dev/null” fixes the issue.

    Hope it will help someone.

  5. Chrome isnt that integral to my life that I cant use a different browser. Messing with my libraries, env vars, and who knows what dependencies and wiping out my older browser that still works…why bother. Though I appreciate the effort, a 2K line shell script is hardly an elegant solution.

    • It’s never advisable to run older versions of browsers for too long, because there’s a regular stream of security vulnerabilities fixed with each release (witness the Google Chrome bug bounties that are paid out frequently). I think you’ll find that the latest version of my script is far less of a sticking plaster than it used to be – now it’s mainly about installing a newer libstdc++ in a tree well away from system libraries. It stil needs to build a chrome-deps RPM, so there’s still a fair number of deps to pull in (if you do C/RPM development, many of those will be installed already).

      Building Chromium is an alternative, but the efforts I’ve seen out there tend to be out-of-date and don’t include Google Chrome’s built-in plugins (e.g. Flash). Upgrwding to CentOS 7 is another option, but probably more of an upheaval than runing my “inelegant” script.

  6. Running the command gives me below a error under a normal user

    [kiran@kiran ~]$ google-chrome &
    [1] 14032
    [kiran@kiran ~]$

    Running the same command gives me below a error under root user
    # google-chrome
    [2]+ Segmentation fault google-chrome
    Segmentation fault

  7. i have installed google-chrome successfuly but i cant able to lauch google-chrome

    [shiva@dhcppc0 ~]$ google-chrome
    Segmentation fault (core dumped)

    the above error showing in terminal google chrome is showing in application menu but nt able to launch

  8. Hi,
    On Centos 6.5 x64, with google-chrome-stable from yum installation, version 37.0.2062.120, always brings up 2 zombies when it starts. They disappear when process is exited though not always so cleanly.

    I have posted further details on the chromium project web site:

    Any ideas?


  9. Hi there,

    Many thanks for these instructions. I hit “y” to update my OS, but now RHEL won’t boot.

    It gets most of the way through booting (presumably up to the point of starting X), and then says:

    “lo: Disabled Privacy Extensions”

    …and sits there. I’m running RHEL 6.5.

    Please help! I can’t work!


    • Tom, I am so sorry to hear that your OS stopped working. For me it seems its related to IPV6, disabling IPV6 protocol will solve your problem.

  10. Hi Ravi,

    When I was running this script on My OS it was facing the following problem

    [root@pc1-108 Desktop]# ./
    Google Chrome Installer 6.10 on the x86_64 platform
    (C) Richard K. Lloyd 2014

    *** Changing working directory to /tmp/chrome_install …
    *** Checking for an update to …

    *** Downloading version.dat (please wait) …

    –2014-09-23 20:20:03–
    Connecting to||:80… failed: Connection timed out.
    –2014-09-23 20:21:07– (try: 2)
    Connecting to||:80… failed: Connection timed out.

    –2014-09-23 20:22:12– (try: 3)
    Connecting to||:80… failed: Connection timed out.

    –2014-09-23 20:23:18– (try: 4)
    Connecting to||:80… failed: Connection timed out.

    –2014-09-23 20:24:25– (try: 5)
    Connecting to||:80… failed: Connection timed out.

  11. Hi RIchard,
    As you said in the mail, I exported the http_proxy and tried to install the Chrome on RHEL 6.4 but no luck and below is the output for the same.

    [root@ds135-59-210-131 VNC]# ./
    Google Chrome Installer 6.10 on the x86_64 platform
    (C) Richard K. Lloyd 2014
    *** /tmp/chrome_install tree contains 2 files totalling 0 MB …

    *** Changing working directory to /tmp/chrome_install …
    *** Checking for an update to …

    *** Downloading version.dat (please wait) …

    –2014-09-17 06:32:11–
    Connecting to||:80… connected.
    HTTP request sent, awaiting response… Read error (Connection reset by peer) in headers.

    –2014-09-17 06:35:44– (try: 2)
    Connecting to||:80… connected.
    HTTP request sent, awaiting response… Read error (Connection reset by peer) in headers.

    –2014-09-17 06:39:13– (try: 3)
    Connecting to||:80…

  12. Very nice ! Beautiful work. Thank you.

    Google Chrome 37.0.2062.120 and Fedora 15/17 libs were installed successfully.
    Please run the browser via the ‘google-chrome’ command as a non-root user.

    To update Google Chrome, run “yum update google-chrome-stable” or
    simply re-run this script with “./”.

    To uninstall Google Chrome and its dependencies added by this script,
    run “yum remove google-chrome-stable chrome-deps-stable” or “./

  13. I was wondering why Chrome didn’t want to install this last time i tried and the whole redhat no support thing is unbelievable. Great article and thanks to Richard Lloyd :)

  14. friends,
    i have installed cent os 6.3. but i can’t connect my huawei modem in that os, modem device does not detect. how to connect modem or wifi network connection. please help me……………………………..!.

  15. Guys,

    Please help me with this, I followed the above steps to install chrome on my RHEL 6.5 (64 bit). But I’m getting the below error.

    “ERROR: Unable to correctly run /usr/bin/rpmdev-setuptree to create build enviroment – aborted

    *** Uninstalling google-chrome-stable …”


    • Audio and video in Flash work fine for me in 64-bit CentOS 6.5 using Google Chrome, though remember that the flash plug-in is shipped with Chrome and is actually Flash 14 (whilst the normal Flash plug-in you can get from Adobe is Flash 11). I think it’s quite bad that Adobe only ship Flash 14 to Google and every othe Linux browser has to be 3 major versions behind! You suspect Google paid Adobe a pretty penny to do this…

      Just released version 6.00 of my script at mainly to cope with the new install trees for the beta and unstable Google Chrome RPMs.

  16. Just a follow up on the Google Chrome 36 crash – it seems to be “exclusive” to my “lots of extra stuff installed” 64-bit CentOS 6.5 desktop (an equivalent “clean” 32-bit or 64-bit VM/live ISO of 6.5 runs Google Chrome 36 fine). I’ve no idea what I’ve installed in the past couple of years that causes the crash though and there’s a chance that some other users with similarly “crufty” systems might see it (version 35 works fine on my system, BTW).

    I’ll be moving to CentOS 7 soon anyway, plus adding a “clean” 64-bit 6.5 VM to my testing isn’t a hardship. I’ve left a note on the Web site just in case someone else has the same problem.

  17. Some bad news – Google Chrome 36 has made enough changes to cause a startup crash on CentOS 6.5 that I’ve yet to find a fix for. Normally it’s a missing symbol fixed by using a Fedora library, but this isn’t the case this time. I’m not sure I can fix this, but I’ll keep looking at it.

  18. [root@localhost ~]# yum install google-chrome-stable
    Loaded plugins: refresh-packagekit, security, subscription-manager
    Updating certificate-based repositories.
    Unable to read consumer identity
    google-chrome | 951 B 00:00
    google-chrome/primary | 2.0 kB 00:00
    google-chrome 3/3
    google-talkplugin | 951 B 00:00
    linuxtech-release | 2.6 kB 00:01
    rpmforge | 1.9 kB 00:00
    Setting up Install Process
    Resolving Dependencies
    –> Running transaction check
    —> Package google-chrome-stable.x86_64 0:36.0.1985.125-1 will be installed
    –> Processing Dependency: for package: google-chrome-stable-36.0.1985.125-1.x86_64
    –> Processing Dependency: for package: google-chrome-stable-36.0.1985.125-1.x86_64
    –> Processing Conflict: google-chrome-stable-36.0.1985.125-1.x86_64 conflicts libX11 Finished Dependency Resolution
    Error: Package: google-chrome-stable-36.0.1985.125-1.x86_64 (google-chrome)
    Error: Package: google-chrome-stable-36.0.1985.125-1.x86_64 (google-chrome)
    Error: google-chrome-stable conflicts with libX11
    You could try using –skip-broken to work around the problem
    You could try running: rpm -Va –nofiles –nodigest


  19. > Finished Dependency Resolution
    Error: Package: vlc-0.9.9a-7.el5.rf.x86_64 (rpmforge)
    Error: Package: vlc-0.9.9a-7.el5.rf.x86_64 (rpmforge)
    Error: Package: vlc-0.9.9a-7.el5.rf.x86_64 (rpmforge)
    Error: Package: libcddb-1.3.1-1.el5.rf.x86_64 (rpmforge)
    Available: libcdio-0.77-1.el5.rf.x86_64 (rpmforge)
    Error: Package: vlc-0.9.9a-7.el5.rf.x86_64 (rpmforge)
    Error: Package: libcddb-1.3.1-1.el5.rf.x86_64 (rpmforge)
    Available: libcdio-0.77-1.el5.rf.x86_64 (rpmforge)
    Error: Package: aalib-1.4.0-5.el5.rf.x86_64 (rpmforge)
    You could try using –skip-broken to work around the problem
    rpmforge-release-0.5.2-2.el6.rf.x86_64 is a duplicate with rpmforge-release-0.5.2-2.el5.rf.x86_64
    There is something wrong with your Internet Connection..Or You forgot some step.
    Restoring your Previous repositories……

  20. /usr/bin/google-chrome: /usr/lib/ version `NSS_3.14.3′ not found (required by /usr/bin/google-chrome)
    /usr/bin/google-chrome: /lib/ no version information available (required by /opt/google/chrome/lib/

  21. Hi Ravii,

    sorry didn’t reply back to your reply, but i did download the new and ran it,, but it still not working for Centos 6.5

    This the log message I am getting
    Jul 3 11:47:19 itpros kernel: lo: Dropping TSO features since no CSUM feature.

    Jul 3 11:47:19 itpros kernel: lo: Disabled Privacy Extensions

    Jul 3 11:47:19 itpros kernel: __ratelimit: 13 callbacks suppressed

    Jul 3 11:47:19 itpros kernel: chrome[2661] general protection ip:7ff0ce3aba87

    sp:7ffff30f2e60 error:0 in[7ff0ce375000+190000]

    Jul 3 11:47:19 itpros abrt[2663]: File ‘/sbin/init’ seems to be deleted

    Jul 3 11:47:19 itpros abrt[2663]: Not saving repeating crash in ‘/sbin/init’

    If you can help me out. thanks

  22. A new major release (5.00) of my script is now available at but I’ve decided to raise to minimum supported version of CentOS 6 by the script to be 6.5, which has been out for over 6 months. I don’t know how many people hold back their CentOS 6 releases, but older releases have caused all sorts of issues when running Google Chrome.

    The other enhancement with 5.00 is that those brave souls with RHEL 7 or the CentOS 7 pre-release can now also run my script. OK, it doesn’t do much more than install needed dependencies, but that’s still easier than working out what to do if you go the official Google Chrome download route (which gives you no clue there are any dependencies for the RPM).

  23. Before when i run the
    /opt/google/chrome/google-chrome %U to /opt/google/chrome/google-chrome –user-data-dir %U

    It will return an error of [0617/] Failed to create /root/.pki/nssdb directory.
    So i read the above threads and run the below commands.

    yum install nss

    >>Package nss-3.15.3-6.el6_5.i686 already installed and latest version

    chcon -t usr_t /opt/google/chrome/chrome-sandbox

    mv ~/.pki ~/.pki.old

    setsebool -P use_nfs_home_dirs 1

    And now i got this one..
    /opt/google/chrome/google-chrome %U to /opt/google/chrome/google-chrome –user-data-dir %U
    [27120:27120:0617/] Unable to show a dialog outside the UI thread message loop: Google Chrome can not be run as root. – Please start Google Chrome as a normal user. To run as root, you must specify an alternate –user-data-dir for storage of profile information.

    Please Help I am using a

    CentOS release 6.5 (Final)

    Linux 2.6.32-358.el6.i686 #1 SMP Thu Feb 21 21:50:49 UTC 2013 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Lin

    • Please run Google Chrome as normal user, don’t run with root user. If you do, you will end up with this error.

  24. Got this Error !
    ERROR: Unable to correctly run /usr/bin/rpmdev-setuptree to create build enviroment – aborted

    *** Uninstalling google-chrome-stable …

  25. After install google-chrome, when run it. I got an error…please help me
    The Error is as follow:
    [0602/] Failed to create /root/.pki/nssdb directory.

    You have new mail in /var/spool/mail/root

    • This is because of active SELinux, which is not allowing chrome to work. This can be fixed by setting permission with the help of following command.

      # setsebool -P use_nfs_home_dirs 1
  26. Been getting this error when launching chrome:
    [0507/] Failed to create /home/trschick/.pki/nssdb directory.

    it hangs and chrome does not run.

    the directory exists and I do have permissions on it:
    > ls -lart .pki
    total 28
    4 drwx——. 2 trschick games 4096 May 7 14:37 nssdb/
    4 drwx——. 3 trschick games 4096 May 7 14:37 ./
    20 drwxr-xr-x. 158 trschick bin 20480 May 7 14:59 ../

    • To fix this error, run the following command, it will change the user/group ownership of the ‘.pki’ directory to yours.

      $ sudo chown -R trschick:trschick ~/.pki/
      • In my setup also I am not a group… so I can’t directly run the suggested command.

        But I already own the directory, and the target directory has no group permissions anyway.

        wondering if that error is not the issue…. it is entirely correct… it can’t create the directory since it already exists… so perhaps I’m failing on what comes next… but not getting and error…

    • I’ve had this nssdb dir problem reported to me by one or two users, but I’m struggling to reproduce it myself. Try renaming your entire ~/.pki directory (without Google Chrome running at the time):

      mv ~/.pki ~/.pki.old

      and then starting Google Chrome after that. Another thing to do is to make sure nss is the latest version (mine is nss-3.15.3-6.el6_5) and “yum upgrade nss” if it isn’t.

      In the meantime, I’ve put up a new 4.70 version of my script at – this one fixes a 2-hourly self-call segfault and provides a new -f option for non-interactive prompting.

  27. This is a error i got when installed

    Processing Dependency: for package: google-chrome-stable-34.0.1847.132-1.i386

  28. Iam using Fedora 16, when i want to update my chrome browser it is displaying error as follows:

    yum install google-chrome-stable
    Loaded plugins: langpacks, presto, refresh-packagekit
    Setting up Install Process
    Resolving Dependencies
    –> Running transaction check
    —> Package google-chrome-stable.i386 0:27.0.1453.93-200836 will be updated
    —> Package google-chrome-stable.i386 0:34.0.1847.132-1 will be an update
    –> Processing Conflict: google-chrome-stable-34.0.1847.132-1.i386 conflicts libX11 Finished Dependency Resolution
    Error: google-chrome-stable conflicts with libX11-1.4.3-1.fc16.i686
    You could try using –skip-broken to work around the problem
    ** Found 12 pre-existing rpmdb problem(s), ‘yum check’ output follows:
    iproute-2.6.39-3.fc16.i686 has missing requires of iptables >= (‘0’, ‘1.4.5’, None)
    iproute-2.6.39-3.fc16.i686 has missing requires of
    iptstate-2.2.2-5.fc15.i686 has missing requires of iptables
    1:libguestfs-1.12.7-2.fc16.1.i686 has missing requires of /lib/
    1:libguestfs-1.12.7-2.fc16.1.i686 has missing requires of /lib/
    1:libguestfs-1.12.7-2.fc16.1.i686 has missing requires of /lib/
    1:libguestfs-1.12.7-2.fc16.1.i686 has missing requires of /lib/
    1:libguestfs-1.12.7-2.fc16.1.i686 has missing requires of /lib/
    libvirt-0.9.6-2.fc16.i686 has missing requires of iptables
    libvirt-0.9.6-2.fc16.i686 has missing requires of iptables-ipv6
    system-config-firewall-base-1.2.29-4.fc16.noarch has missing requires of iptables >= (‘0’, ‘1.2.8’, None)
    system-config-firewall-base-1.2.29-4.fc16.noarch has missing requires of iptables-ipv6

    Please suggest a solution

    • I think package ‘libX11-1.4.3-1.fc16.i686’ is conflicting. Better remove this package and run the chrome script again.

  29. Hi Richard/Ravi,

    I am getting error with launching chromium either from the GUI/Shell prompt.

    [root@unknown0013e813ff63 ~]# google-chrome &
    [1] 3813
    [root@unknown0013e813ff63 ~]# [0414/] Failed to create /root/.pki/nssdb directory.

    No screen coming, when tried from Applications-> Internet->Google chrome.

    Below is my system params. It is 32 bit.
    root@unknown0013e813ff63 ~]# uname -a
    Linux unknown0013e813ff63 2.6.32-431.11.2.el6.i686 #1 SMP Tue Mar 25 17:17:46 UTC 2014 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
    [root@unknown0013e813ff63 ~]#

    Chrome version: [root@unknown0013e813ff63 ~]# rpm -qa | grep chrome

    Any help, would be highly appreciated.


  30. Good job!

    I ran ./ (version 4.60) on my Centos 6.5 64-bit system. It worked fine.

    I did similar thing earlier with vlc application. Thanks, again.

    Thank you.

  31. I just released version 4.60 of my script at which will download/install nss if it’s not present (credit to Ravi for suggesting this), plus fixes an issue with the GNOME keyring library (you might have seen it prompting for a keyring password in recent releases).

  32. Ran the install script, but get this error
    usr/bin/google-chrome: /usr/lib64/ version `NSS_3.14.3′ not found (required by /usr/bin/google-chrome)

  33. I am running CentOS 6.5 and have installed successfully chrome 33,but it can not work.
    Use “google-chrome” in ternimal and get “/usr/bin/google-chrome: symbol lookup error: /usr/bin/google-chrome: undefined symbol: gtk_button_get_event_window”..
    Please suggest me a fix.

  34. Thanks so much, this appears to work perfectly with the exception of sound but I am sure that is fixable. I am running centos6.5_64 on a compact presario v3000. I have waited so long for something like this, thank you so much.

  35. I followed the above steps but it didn`t worked out. while doing this ‘yum install google-chrome-stable’ i get error like :

    Error: Package: google-chrome-stable-33.0.1750.117-1.i386 (google-chrome)

    When i run ‘./’

    i get following error:

    ‘Google Chrome Installer 4.50 on the i686 platform
    (C) Richard K. Lloyd 2014
    *** /tmp/chrome_install tree contains 1 files totalling 0 MB …

    *** Changing working directory to /tmp/chrome_install …
    *** Checking for an update to …

    *** Downloading version.dat (please wait) …

    –2014-02-23 07:33:10–
    Connecting to… connected.
    Proxy request sent, awaiting response… 407 Proxy Authentication Required
    2014-02-23 07:33:25 ERROR 407: Proxy Authentication Required.

    ERROR: Failed to download version.dat – aborted

    *** /tmp/chrome_install tree contains 1 files totalling 0 MB … ‘

    Please help me out. I`m using scientific linux 6.4 32bit

  36. I did step 1 and moving to step 2 but when I try running


    I got this error

    –2014-02-13 12:01:52–
    Resolving… failed: No address associated with hostname.
    wget: unable to resolve host address “”

    I can ping my router and I can ping When I open konkeror browser to, it’s fine. But I can’t access other url site. I’m using CentOS 6.4

    #yum update
    is working fine

  37. I have installed goggle-chrome with below commands.
    chmod u+x

    And after successful installation tried to start chrome with below command
    google-chrome &

    But it is throwing below error.
    /usr/bin/google-chrome: /usr/lib64/ version `NSS_3.14.3′ not found (required by /usr/bin/google-chrome)

    Please suggest.
    Thanks in advance.


      • Thanks for reply.

        I have un-installed google chrome, installed NSS & reinstalled chrome with below commands.

        ./ -u
        yum install nss

        After successfull NSS & chrome installation I have tried to start chrome with command “google-chrome &” which is resulting me below error.

        “bash: google-chrome: command not found”

        Please suggest.

  38. Running Centos 6.5 and the script worked wonders to give me a working version 31 of chrome. Thanks to Richard for all the hard work.

  39. my linux kernel version is:

    “Linux version 2.6.32-220.el6.x86_64 ([email protected]) (gcc version 4.4.5 20110214 (Red Hat 4.4.5-6) (GCC) ) #1 SMP Wed Nov 9 08:03:13 EST 2011”

    when am trying to run “yum install google-chrome-stable” commend , at d end it shows sm error like this

    Error: Package: google-chrome-stable-31.0.1650.63-1.x86_64 (google-chrome)
    Error: Package: xulrunner-last-26.0-1.el6.remi.x86_64 (remi)
    Error: Package: xulrunner-last-26.0-1.el6.remi.x86_64 (remi)
    Error: google-chrome-stable conflicts with libX11
    You could try using –skip-broken to work around the problem
    You could try running: rpm -Va –nofiles –nodigest

    plz help me how to slv this prblm ??

  40. I follow the instructions but it fails on RHEL6
    # google-chrome-stable
    -bash: google-chrome-stable: command not found

    the installation failed with the following:
    *** Latest google-chrome-stable version number is 31.0.1650.57 …
    warning: google-chrome-stable_current_x86_64.rpm: Header V4 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 7fac5991

    *** Installing Google Chrome 31.0.1650.57 RPM (please wait) …

    warning: google-chrome-stable_current_x86_64.rpm: Header V4 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 7fac5991
    Preparing… ########################################### [100%]
    1:google-chrome-stable ########################################### [100%]
    Error: Could not find xdg-icon-resource
    error: %post(google-chrome-stable-31.0.1650.57-1.x86_64) scriptlet failed, exit status 1

    ERROR: Newly-installed Google Chrome version () not the latest one (31.0.1650.57) – aborted

    *** WARNING: /opt/google/chrome install tree still present – deleting it …
    *** /tmp/chrome_install tree contains 1 files totalling 58 MB …

  41. Any suggestions on how to address this:

    google-chrome fails to start with “NSS_VersionCheck(“3.14.3″) failed. NSS >= 3.14.3 is required.”

    [15362:15389:1020/] NSS_VersionCheck(“3.14.3”) failed. NSS >= 3.14.3 is required. Please upgrade to the latest NSS, and if you still get this error, contact your distribution maintainer.

  42. Thank you guys for all your work to make this happen. Beside a great browser Chrome is an essential web developer tool. I really appreciate that I don’t have to switch to a different browser on CentOS 6.4 to

  43. Preparing… ########################################### [100%]
    1:google-chrome-stable ########################################### [100%] not found in lib or /usr/lib.
    error: %post(google-chrome-stable-30.0.1599.66-1.i386) scriptlet failed, exit status 1

    ERROR: Newly-installed Google Chrome version () not the latest one (30.0.1599.66) – aborted

    *** WARNING: /opt/google/chrome install tree still present – deleting it …
    *** /tmp/chrome_install tree contains 1 files totalling 50 MB …

    after remove both two dir by
    #rm -rf /opt/google
    #rm -rf /tmp/install_chrome
    than get an error

    [root@localhost Desktop]# rpm -Uvh google-chrome-stable_current_i386.rpm
    warning: google-chrome-stable_current_i386.rpm: Header V4 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 7fac5991
    error: Failed dependencies: is needed by google-chrome-stable-29.0.1547.76-223446.i386 is needed by google-chrome-stable-29.0.1547.76-223446.i386 is needed by google-chrome-stable-29.0.1547.76-223446.i386 is needed by google-chrome-stable-29.0.1547.76-223446.i386 is needed by google-chrome-stable-29.0.1547.76-223446.i386 is needed by google-chrome-stable-29.0.1547.76-223446.i386 is needed by google-chrome-stable-29.0.1547.76-223446.i386 is needed by google-chrome-stable-29.0.1547.76-223446.i386 is needed by google-chrome-stable-29.0.1547.76-223446.i386 is needed by google-chrome-stable-29.0.1547.76-223446.i386 is needed by google-chrome-stable-29.0.1547.76-223446.i386
    libX11 < 1.4.99 conflicts with google-chrome-stable-29.0.1547.76-223446.i386
    what should i do please help me sir i am tired…
    thank you

    • It seems Latest Chrome is not supported on your system. Which version of OS you using? Have you tried the script to install the latest stable one?

  44. For all the ones using RHEL or centos and get the following error:

    Error: Package: google-chrome-stable-29.0.1547.76-223446.x86_64 (/google-chrome-stable_current_x86_64)
    You could try using –skip-broken to work around the problem
    You could try running: rpm -Va –nofiles –nodigest

    Use this script, it worked for me:

  45. Hi,

    I’ve tried installing 29.0.1547.65 using your script but I keep getting an error:

    Error: Could not find xdg-icon-resource
    error: %post(google-chrome-stable-29.0.1547.65-220622.x86_64) scriptlet failed, exit status 1

    ERROR: Newly-installed Google Chrome version () not the latest one (29.0.1547.65) – aborted

    Can someone help?

    Thanks in advance!

  46. It didn’t work on CentOS 6.4! Could you help me?

    It displays this error:

    ERROR: Failed to compile/install /opt/google/chrome/lib/ – aborted

    and then it automaticly removes chrome via yum:

    *** Uninstalling google-chrome-stable …

    Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, refresh-packagekit, security
    Setting up Remove Process
    Resolving Dependencies
    –> Running transaction check
    —> Package google-chrome-stable.x86_64 0:29.0.1547.65-220622 will be erased
    –> Finished Dependency Resolution
    google-chrome | 951 B 00:00

    Dependencies Resolved

    Package Arch Version Repository Size
    google-chrome-stable x86_64 29.0.1547.65-220622 installed 160 M

    Transaction Summary
    Remove 1 Package(s)

    Installed size: 160 M
    Downloading Packages:
    Running rpm_check_debug
    Running Transaction Test
    Transaction Test Succeeded
    Running Transaction
    Warning: RPMDB altered outside of yum.
    Erasing : google-chrome-stable-29.0.1547.65-220622.x86_64 1/1
    Verifying : google-chrome-stable-29.0.1547.65-220622.x86_64 1/1

    google-chrome-stable.x86_64 0:29.0.1547.65-220622

    *** WARNING: /opt/google/chrome install tree still present – deleting it …
    *** /tmp/chrome_install tree contains 5 files totalling 62 MB …

    Thanks in advance!

    • The error itself telling that you already have chrome tree present on /opt and /tmp. So, you need to remove these folders like.

      # rm -rf /opt/google
      # rm -rf /tmp/chrome_install

      After that, give a try again, I am sure it will work.

      • cat /etc/*release*
        CentOS release 5.10 (Final)

        yum install google-chrome-stable

        I got the same error msg as Dani.

        *** WARNING: /opt/google/chrome install tree still present – deleting it …
        *** /tmp/chrome_install tree contains 1 files totalling 56 MB …

        I did as you suggested:
        # rm -rf /opt/google
        # rm -rf /tmp/chrome_install

        redo “./”

        However, still can get the same error msg…

        # google-chrome
        bash: google-chrome: command not found

        Thank you for the great help!

  47. root@localhost Desktop]# google-chrome &
    [1] 4117
    [root@localhost Desktop]# /usr/bin/google-chrome: symbol lookup error: /usr/bin/google-chrome: undefined symbol: _XGetRequest

    what should b done!!!please hlp

  48. Thank you for the awesome solution .
    I use Ubuntu , CentOS6.4 as double boot.
    I use CentOS for KVM .
    I use Ubuntu 12.04 for tremendous graphical experience, which no other OS apart from MAC gives .

  49. hi!

    I have followed all the steps above. I can see chrome being installed but when I run the command google-chrome & it says command not found.

  50. Hi, when I run google-chrome on CentOS6.4 , a message came out like this “/usr/bin/google-chrome: error while loading shared libraries: ELF load command past end of file” ,help me please.

  51. The script is so good congratulations , but it fails at the end when calling rpmdev-setuptree
    i tried to install rpmdevtools but it not installs because dependence problems .

    elfutils-0.152-1.el6.x86_64 from RHEL-63-x86_64
    elfutils-libs-0.152-1.el6.x86_64 from RHEL-63-x86_64
    rpm-build-4.8.0-27.el6.x86_64 from RHEL-63-x86_64
    rpmdevtools-7.5-1.el6.noarch from RHEL-63-x86_64

    • I haven’t seen those dependency issues on the test environments (which now include 32-bit platforms and Scientific Linux), Marcos. It may be you’ve added third-party repos that clash. If you’re running a 6.3 release, I’d recommend a “yum update” to 6.4 before you try running my script again, since you’ll need 6.4 to run Google Chrome 28 or later.

  52. Just a note that version 4.01 of my script sorts out previous issues listed here. The _XGetRequest problem is because you are running a pre-6.4 CentOS (6.4 updated libX11 to 1.5, which fixes the symbol issue). My script now asks you to update your CentOS install to at least 6.4 and recommends you don’t run Chrome until you do.

    BTW, I tried CentOS 6.0 unpatched in a VM the other day and it has all sorts of problems (including more issues with Chrome) – even metacity was crashing literally all the time!

  53. /usr/bin/google-chrome: symbol lookup error: /usr/bin/google-chrome: undefined symbol: _XGetRequest

    [1]+ Exit 127 google-chrome

  54. Hi, I run the script on my centos 6.3, but then I launch google-chrome command, this is what I get

    /opt/google/chrome/chrome: error while loading shared libraries: failed to map segment from shared object: Permission denied

  55. I have download rpm file but it’s too much dependency required. Is there any package file is available on internet please share URL…


    • NO, there is no such offline package available to install, you must connected to internet to download Chrome with all needed packages.

  56. I ran this script and got this error any suggestions:

    /opt/google/chrome/chrome: error while loading shared libraries: failed to map segment from shared object: Permission denied

  57. Hi,

    I don’t have direct internet connect. let me know is there any way to install google-chrome on RHEL 6.4 64bit.


  58. Thanks so much, for my work I have to keep 2-3 different browsers open at once and I have so many things configured for each I didn’t want to have to abandon Chrome. This worked perfectly! Thanks again!

  59. Hi,

    +1 for Richard Lloyd’s script: worked wonders here on my Springdale EL6 x86_64 notebook.

    Thanks Richard!



  60. I have created a shell script you can download from here:

    When run, it will download and install the latest Chrome (28 at the time of writing) and also download/extract some libraries from various Fedora 15 RPMs. Once it’s run successfully, the google-chrome command will run Chrome 28 OK for me on my 64-bit CentOS 6.4 system.

  61. OS is latest CentOS6.3, still the issue:
    Package google-chrome-stable.x86_64 0:28.0.1500.71-209842 will be installed
    –> Processing Dependency: for package: google-chrome-stable-28.0.1500.71-209842.x86_64

    This is because the libstdc++ does not support GLIBCXX_3.4.15.

    Any work around ?


    • Error: Package: google-chrome-stable-28.0.1500.71-209842.x86_64 (google64)
      You could try using –skip-broken to work around the problem

        • I have upgraded to the latest version of RHEL 6. Same result.

          To “upgrade” to one of the unstable “supported” Linux distributions would be unwise, based on other software supported by RHEL 6.

  62. version 28 requires a newer glibc package, not on centos 5.x or 6.x

    Resolving Dependencies
    –> Running transaction check
    —> Package google-chrome-stable.i386 0:28.0.1500.52-207119 will be installed
    –> Processing Dependency: for package: google-chrome-stable-28.0.1500.52-207119.i386
    –> Finished Dependency Resolution
    Error: Package: google-chrome-stable-28.0.1500.52-207119.i386 (google-chrome)

  63. [root@localhost google-chrome.repo]# yum install google-chrome-stable
    Loaded plugins: product-id, refresh-packagekit, subscription-manager
    Updating Red Hat repositories.
    Setting up Install Process
    No package google-chrome-stable available.
    Error: Nothing to do

    healp pliis

  64. no package provides lsb >= 4.0 ?

    Tried installing manually

    glibc_lsb (2.3.6-2pclos2007)
    lsb (4.0-1pclos2010)
    lsb-core (4.0-1pclos2010)
    vim-enhanced (7.3.338-4pclos2012)

    and am met with endless impossible to fix loop of dep problems. Why does it care if I have vim-enhanced? Its an unnecessary old viewer. Its the last dependency that if installed then needs ruby, ruby needs ruby-libs, then from there it never ends with more. I would have a new distro when done. None of these packages are on the pclinux distros (there are no usa distros any more either).

    when I ask it tells me I have LSB 3.* installed.

    Forcing deps on the vim-enhanced just to get the other files to install jams the package manager. It claims broken packages of everything above:

    [root@localhost jamiemurphy]# apt-get –fix-broken install
    Reading Package Lists… Done
    Building Dependency Tree… Done
    Correcting dependencies… Done
    The following packages will be REMOVED:
    glibc_lsb (2.3.6-2pclos2007)
    lsb (4.0-1pclos2010)
    lsb-core (4.0-1pclos2010)
    vim-enhanced (7.3.338-4pclos2012)
    0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 4 removed and 0 not upgraded.
    Need to get 0B of archives.
    After unpacking 1979kB disk space will be freed.
    Do you want to continue? [Y/n] y
    Committing changes…
    Preparing ############################## [100%]
    Cleaning up / removing
    lsb-4.0-1pclos2010.i586 ############################## [100%]
    glibc_lsb-2.3.6-2pclos2007.i586 ############################## [100%]
    lsb-core-4.0-1pclos2010.i586 ############################## [100%]
    vim-enhanced-7.3.338-4pclos2012.i586 ############################## [100%]

    OMG this is so aggrivating I am going to switch to debian, or another distro that doesnt constantly force you to install a new clean install of the upgrade every year, or have endless updates that wind up destroying the os (Fedora, just gave up on it)


  65. Error: Package: google-chrome-stable-28.0.1500.52-207119.i386 (google)
    You could try using –skip-broken to work around the problem
    You could try running: rpm -Va –nofiles –nodigest

  66. Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, refresh-packagekit
    Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
    * base:
    * elrepo:
    * epel:
    * extras:
    * rpmfusion-free-updates:
    * rpmfusion-nonfree-updates:
    * updates:
    Setting up Install Process
    No package google-chrome-stable available.
    Error: Nothing to do

    Please help me to resolve this..

    • The error itself explaining that you haven’t added google-chrome repo. Please follow the installation steps correctly and try again.

  67. i install crome in rhel6…and edit /opt/google/chrome/google-chrome %U to /opt/google/chrome/google-chrome –user-data-dir %U to run as root….but every time i open crome it open another tab listing index of /root/

  68. i not cant
    yum install google-chrome-stable
    Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, refresh-packagekit, security
    Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
    * base:
    * c6-media:
    * extras:
    * updates:
    file:///media/CentOS/repodata/repomd.xml: [Errno 14] Could not open/read file:///media/CentOS/repodata/repomd.xml
    Trying other mirror.
    file:///media/cdrecorder/repodata/repomd.xml: [Errno 14] Could not open/read file:///media/cdrecorder/repodata/repomd.xml
    Trying other mirror.
    file:///media/cdrom/repodata/repomd.xml: [Errno 14] Could not open/read file:///media/cdrom/repodata/repomd.xml
    Trying other mirror.
    Error: Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository: c6-media. Please verify its path and try again

    • Have you correctly added chrome repository? because i see from the error that media repo is loading. disable that centos.repo and try to load from the chrome repo.

          • Package google-chrome-stable.i386 0:26.0.1410.63-192696 set to be updated
            –> Processing Dependency: for package: google-chrome-stable
            –> Processing Dependency: for package: google-chrome-stable
            —> Package redhat-lsb.i386 0:4.0-2.1.4.el5 set to be updated
            –> Finished Dependency Resolution
            Error: Missing Dependency: is needed by package google-chrome-stable
            Error: Missing Dependency: is needed by package google-chrome-stable

          • Google Chrome is not compatible with RHEL/CentOS 5 (5.7). So, the only way to get this running, you must go with newer version (i.e CentOS 6).

          • Hi,

            I am using CentOS 6.2, 32 bit and still it is asking for me to update my OS. When i try to udpate the OS getting following error,

            ** Found 2 pre-existing rpmdb problem(s), ‘yum check’ output follows:
            chrome-deps-1.20-1.i686 has missing requires of
            google-chrome-stable-34.0.1847.132-1.i386 has missing requires of

  69. I tried the above process and i am getting the below error after starting the browser

    (google-chrome:5012): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: :0.0

    [2]+ Exit 1 google-chrome

      • Thanks for the reply but I’m not running SELinux so chcon doesn’t help.

        (Tried it before checking if SELinux is active and got
        chcon: can’t apply partial context to unlabeled file `/opt/google/chrome/chrome-sandbox’)


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