Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) was released on 17 October 2013 and it will be supported until July 2014. This version has latest and greatest applications. So if you are still not upgraded so far, here are the steps to upgrade from Ubuntu 13.04 to Ubuntu 13.10. Upgrade can happen only from previous version to newer version. We can’t skip a version e.g, to upgrade directly from Ubuntu 12.10 to Ubuntu 13.10, you need to first upgrade to 13.04 and then upgrade to 13.10.
Update: Ubuntu 15.10 Released – Upgrde to Ubuntu 15.10
If you would like to install a fresh copy of Ubuntu 13.10 (Desktop Version), then follow our earlier article that describes a step-by-step screen shot guide.
Warning: We urged you to take important data backup prior upgradation and also read release notes for more information before upgrading to latest version.
Upgrade Ubuntu 13.04 to 13.10
Step 1: Please run below command from terminal which will install all other available upgrades.
$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
Step 2: Open “Dash” and type “Update Manager” click on “Software Updater” which will checks for updates.

Step 3: Software updater start checking Updates or new releases

Step 4: “Software Updater” click on “Upgrade…”

Step 5: Please go through release note and click on “Upgrade“.

Step 6: Click “Start Upgrade” to begin upgradation.

Step 7: Upgrading Ubuntu to version 13.10; this may take longer time depending on internet bandwidth and system configuration.

Step 8: Removing obsolete or unnecessary applications.

Step 9: System upgrade is complete. Click on “Restart Now“.

Step 10: Check the System details post upgrade.

Does anyone know the amount of data that will be downloaded when upgrading from 13.04 to 13.10?
How much spare disc space do we need to store the updates before they are applied and everything is deleted?
Is is sensible to do the upgrade or better to install 13.10 from scratch or would it be even more sensible for an adhoc user to wait until the next release is made this summer?
Approxe download size is around 600MB and it’s safe to upgrade from older version to newer.
Should it take more than 48 hours?
No, hardly 20-30 minutes, but its too depend on speed of your internet.
its not showing upgrade in software updater… its just saying ur softwares are upto date… only settings and ok options are there,.. upgrade option is not there!.. what to do??
Do you know the reason of the issue explained here
Mohit Thakral
Will Xorg-edgers packages block the upgrade by breaking the upgrade calculation?
I noticed that you have same problem with me, your unity is not transparent anymore when upgrading to saucy salamander. Try to auto hide the unity, you will see the plain background will disturb other applications. If you found any solution please inform me thanks.